La Cascinassa

La Cascinassa

For Morena and Roberto Adda, seasonality is not a theory but a concrete practice. Their production follows centuries-old traditions: from April to November, they make goat’s cheeses, in winter, when the goats produce no milk, they devote themselves to typical charcuterie of the Canavese area. The dairy range includes raw milk caprini, fresh cheeses such as tomini and primosale, and mature ones such as tuma grisa and Canavese gessato, in addition to an exceptional Piedmontese toma ripened for 12 months.

The charcuterie features coppa, lardo, mocetta, filetto baciato (fillet of pork coated with minced pork), salame d’la doja (salami in lard) and salampatata (potato salami). The farm also sells family packs of veal and beef from its herd of 350 Piedmontese cattle.

Thanks to the contribution of Roberto’s wife Francesca Molon, the farm’s offer has been extended to include an “agripatisserie”, educational activities and, since 2018, an agriturismo. The patisserie sells cakes (by reservation only), cornmeal biscuits and savoury biscuits such as Ciaverru (with caprino, chilli, cumin and maize) and Trifulin (with salampatata). All products are on sale on the premises on Friday and Saturday (9.30am-5pm), while the agriturismo is open, by reservation, on Sunday.
